Fletcher Sports meet James Hamon of Exeter City Football Club

Fletcher Sports meet James Hamon of Exeter City Football Club

Ben from Fletcher Sports caught up with local goalkeeper James Hamon, currently on the books at Exeter City.  James was more than happy to answer a few questions and even showed his sense of humour.. can you spot the tongue in cheek answer?

Have you always been a Goalkeeper?

I started off as a striker then one day decided I didn't want to run around a pitch so thought I'd go in goal, turned out I quite enjoyed it and kicked on from there.

How/when did you become a pro footballer?

I became a professional through Steve Sharman. He knew the manager from coaching the University team and recommended me to him and I went on a few trials with Exeter and ended up signing a professional contract in the summer of 2013.

What does a 'normal' training week look like?

A normal week will be in for 10 am Monday, the boys who played at the weekend will have a lighter recovery day whilst the boys who didn't would have a tougher session, Tuesday would be a tough working day for everyone. Wednesday is a rest and recovery day. Thursday will be a team shape and small-sided games day to get sharp and prepared for the weekend. Friday will either be a travel day or if we are playing at home will be a light session, consisting of set pieces and final tactics for the game Saturday. Sunday will be another day off.

How do you prepare for matches?

I prepare for every game as if I'm going to play even if I know I'm not just in case anything happens in the warm up or first couple of minutes of the game. I have a pre-match meal 3 hours before the game which is usually poached eggs on toast.

Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions?

I don't really have superstitions, I will go to the toilet before we go out and close my eyes and try to imagine the first thing I'm going to do in the game. Whether it's a kick, a save or catching a cross.

If you weren't a pro footballer what do you think you would be?

If I wasn't a footballer I'd probably be a mirror maker. I could really see myself doing that.

What is the highlight of your career so far?

The highlight of my career so far was making my league debut against Shrewsbury, we went 2-0 down early and they were top of the league, we came out second half flying scored early and then nicked 2 late on to win 3-2.

Do you have any aims or targets for this season?

My personal target is to play as many games as I can and establish myself as a first-choice goalkeeper. My aim for the team is to achieve promotion this year. I think we have the squad and the people around us to achieve that.

Your dad was one of the best GKs Guernsey has had, but who would be the better keeper if you were both playing today... you or him?

Yeah, my dad wasn't too bad. That's a good question, it would be interesting to see him in one goal and myself in the other. It would probably have 0-0 written all over it.

Do you have any advice for any up and coming GK's?

The little piece of advice I'd give young goalkeepers is to enjoy it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy stopping the ball from going in the goal. If you enjoy doing that and have the work ethic you won't be too far away.

How important is it that you have the highest quality kit?

The quality of gloves and boots is massively important, that's the tools of our trade. A builder wouldn't use dodgy bricks to build a house so we shouldn't use dodgy gloves to play in goal.

What is the ultimate goal in your career?
The ultimate goal in my career is to play at the highest level possible for as long as I possibly can.

Big thanks to James for speaking with us.  Fletcher Sports supply James with his gloves, these can be purchased online or in store.

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