Respondents to our first Fletcher Sports customer survey have given staff a resounding vote of confidence.
A huge 92.8% of customers who took part in our survey said that shop assistants at Fletcher Sports were either ‘helpful’ or ‘very helpful’.
More than 230 people responded to the survey, which was available online and in the shop in February and earlier this month. 63.4% of all respondents gave our staff the highest praise available to them within the survey, with a further 29.4% saying that they are helpful.
‘We pride ourselves at Fletcher Sports on having knowledgeable staff who can guide customers towards the right sports equipment or school uniform. We are delighted with the results of the survey,’ said owner, Terry Ferbrache.
‘We gave customers the chance to add their comments and we had some very useful feedback in terms of what we’re doing right and what could be improved. Space was one thing that came up a few times, as well as the idea of a loyalty card and the relocation of the changing rooms. We will take all these comments on board, although unfortunately we’re unable to make the shop any bigger!’
Another positive was the overwhelming support for shopping local – 68.5% of people who filled out the survey said that Town was their first port of call for sportswear and schoolwear. Just 9.4% said they would turn to the internet first.
‘To have more than two thirds of people say that they would try Town first before going online is fantastic. High street retailers really suffer because of online competition, so it’s a huge achievement to have so many people in Guernsey say that they would come to the shops in Town first before hitting the internet,’ added Mr Ferbrache.
One surprise was the result on parking and access – there was an equal split between good and average (42% for each, with 8% saying it was excellent).
Respondents to the survey had the chance of winning a £100 voucher for Fletcher Sports for filling out the survey. Winner, Jill Gill (pictured with owner Terry Ferbrache) was thrilled when she heard she was the lucky one.
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